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Testing of Remote Sensing for Crop Insurance in India

Remote sensing technology was introduced in India sometime during the 1970s, by the Ministry of Agriculture. It was used as a tool to update the land utilization maps and soil information and to define the crop insurance scheme. The technology received formal approval from the Government of India to be used in crop insurance schemes…

Natural Farming and Agriculture in India

Read on to this article to learn about natural farming and agriculture practices in India. In a natural farming system, agricultural practices are conducted in accordance with the laws of nature. This approach supports each farming region’s inherent biodiversity by promoting the growth of complex living organisms, including the plants and animals that form each specific ecosystem.…

How Agritech Companies in India Help Farmers?

In India, there are many new emerging and established agritech companies that are operating with the aim of providing various tech-enabled agriculture solutions to farmers. These companies not only help farmers boost their crop production but also help them in enabling sustainable farming practices. In this blog post, we’re going to explain in detail how Indian agritech companies are…

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