Testing of Remote Sensing for Crop Insurance in India

Remote sensing technology was introduced in India sometime during the 1970s, by the Ministry of Agriculture. It was used as a tool to update the land utilization maps and soil information and to define the crop insurance scheme. The technology received formal approval from the Government of India to be used in crop insurance schemesContinue reading “Testing of Remote Sensing for Crop Insurance in India”

Natural Farming and Agriculture in India

Read on to this article to learn about natural farming and agriculture practices in India. In a natural farming system, agricultural practices are conducted in accordance with the laws of nature. This approach supports each farming region’s inherent biodiversity by promoting the growth of complex living organisms, including the plants and animals that form each specific ecosystem.Continue reading Natural Farming and Agriculture in India

How Agritech Companies in India Help Farmers?

In India, there are many new emerging and established agritech companies that are operating with the aim of providing various tech-enabled agriculture solutions to farmers. These companies not only help farmers boost their crop production but also help them in enabling sustainable farming practices. In this blog post, we’re going to explain in detail how Indian agritech companies areContinue reading How Agritech Companies in India Help Farmers?

How Does Climate Change Affect Agriculture in India?

Climate change refers to changes in the earth’s environmental conditions like temperature, rainfall patterns, storms, heatwaves, etc. It is caused by many natural and artificial factors, such as volcanic activity, variations in solar activity, deforestation, burning of fossil fuels, mining, and many others. The growing industrial demand in India has created more emphasis on cropContinue reading “How Does Climate Change Affect Agriculture in India?”

What are the top small agricultural business ideas?

India is an agrarian economy, with more than 58% of the population working in the primary sector. The coronavirus pandemic has given a rubber-stamp approval to agriculture being an evergreen sector. Somewhat more than 50% of the total geographical area in the country is used as agricultural land. With the advent of science and technology,Continue reading “What are the top small agricultural business ideas?”

What are the key challenges of Indian agriculture?

It’s a fact that India is an agricultural country, and more than 57% of people depend on it for their livelihood. According to the 2010-11 Agriculture Census, the total operational holdings was 138.35 million, with an average size of 1.15 hectares (ha). Of the total holdings, 85 per cent are in marginal and small farmContinue reading “What are the key challenges of Indian agriculture?”

Top Profitable Agribusiness Ideas to Start in 2022

Coronavirus and the global plunge in the economy have proved that agriculture is the evergreen sector of the economy. With the advent of technology and the availability of modern equipment, Agribusiness can be potentially one of the most profitable sectors in 2022. The support by the present government through easing of norms and encouraging theContinue reading “Top Profitable Agribusiness Ideas to Start in 2022”

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